
Hi! I’m Kanishkha, a tech enthusiast with a strong focus on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, and Product Development. I’m an incoming Master’s student in Data Science at New York University’s Center for Data Science.

I'm a graduate in Bachelor's of Engineering in Computer Science from BITS Pilani. where I co-authored two publications and engaged in research exploring diverse applications of machine learning and deep learning. Through my internships, I’ve developed my skills in Machine Learning, Data Science, and Data Engineering, as well as in building innovative products.

I have expertise in programming languages such as Python, R, SQL, and C/C++, and I’m proficient with collaboration tools like Git and GitHub. I also have experience with AI/ML frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and LangChain, and am well-versed in research areas such as ML/DL, large language models (LLMs), and Robotics.

I’m passionate about using technology to create meaningful impacts and am always eager to explore new collaborations and opportunities. On a personal note, I am also working on building "PediaPal," my startup focused on revolutionizing pediatric care through innovative technology solutions. Excited about the journey ahead!

  • Birthday: 03 May 2002
  • Phone: +1 (347) 200-9240 / +91 9840728237
  • City: Brooklyn, New York, United States
  • Email: kj2675@nyu.edu


Data Science

Machine Learning

Computer Vision

Natural Language Processing

Data Engineering



Image Processing


Masters in Data Science

August 2024 - May 2026(Expected)
Relevant Coursework
  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Probability and Statistics for Data Science
  • Programming for Data Science

Bachelors in Computer Science

August 2019 - July 2023
Relevant Coursework
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science


  • "Classification of Microstructure Images of Metals Using Transfer Learning." MDIS 2022 8th International Conference, Sibiu, Romania, Springer 2022.
    (Published) doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27034-5
  • "An End-to-End Hybrid Learning model for detection of Covid-19 from Chest X-ray images." Alliance Technology Conference-1-International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications-2023, Bengaluru, India, IEEE 2023.
    (Published) doi: 10.1109/ICAIA57370.2023.10169832
  • "Multi-model approach for autonomous driving: A comprehensive study on traffic sign detection, vehicle detection, lane detection." Multimedia Tools and Applications, An International Journal, Springer 2023.
    (Under Review)

Online Certification

IBM DataScience Professional Certificate

Google DataAnalytics Professional Certificate

Machine Learning Specialization

Deep Learning Specialization

MLOps Specialization

Natural Language Processing Specialization


  • President
    IEI BPDC Student Chapter | Aug. 2022 - Jul. 2023
  • Team Lead
    Team IFOR & Robotrix | Jun. 2022 - Jul. 2023
  • Events Executive
    Flummoxed Quizzing Club | Aug. 2022 - Jul. 2023
  • Assistant Vice Captain
    University Cricket Team | Sep. 2022 - Jun. 2023
  • Technical Executive
    Microsoft Tech Club | Aug. 2021 - Aug. 2022
  • Treasurer
    Flummoxed Quizzing Club | Aug. 2021 - Jun. 2022


  • Conducted a Hands-on Robotics Workshop on Arduino, Tinkercad, Microcontrollers, Sensors and guided the students and faculties to build an Obstacle Avoidance Robocar.
  • Conducted a Machine Learning Bootcamp, for high school students during the university STEM event 2021-22.
  • Conducted a 2-day Hands-on Coding Workshop on HTML, CSS, Javascript, GitHub Basics for university students.
  • Event Manager for University Cricket Tournament, University Quiz Fests, STEM event, Spectrum-2022.

Work Experience

Xneuronz AI

March 2024 - Present

Machine Learning Engineer

  • Built a Floor Plan search model using OpenAI CLIP embeddings and Qdrant vector database.
  • Finetuned Stable Diffusion model using QLoRA and LoRA techniques on custom-created Interior Room Design datasets.
  • Developed a Multi-Agent System using CrewAI, where AI agents collaboratively strategize room allocation, room placements by following user constraints and design floor layout plans.
  • Built a RAG system for the Bangalore Building Bye-Law document using DSPy, LangChain and Unstructured.io.
  • Tech Stack: Langchain, LlamaIndex, Stable Diffusion, Huggingface, DSPy, Unstructured.io


September 2023 - January 2024

Data Science Intern

  • Built a data product analyzing sentiments in restaurant reviews, identifying impact factors over a timeperiod.
  • Used data imputation techniques and advanced ML algorithms to reduce missing values in Real-Estate data by 38%.
  • Applied Semi Supervised Learning Techniques to predict house prices and restaurant meal prices.
  • Actively engaged in developing production notebooks in Databricks, working on ML pipelines and contributing to data product development.
  • Proficiently collected Data from various Restaurant and Retail websites using custom-built collectors using Swarm framework.
  • Designed and implemented data processing pipelines using Databricks platform, automating data collection procedures.
  • Created parsers within the Honeycomb framework to clean and structure collected data, optimizing it for query operations.
  • Executed SQL queries to extract valuable insights and performed data visualization for better decision-making.
  • Tech Stack: Python, Jupyter, Databricks, Git, Pandas, SQL, Spacy, NLTK, Scikit-Learn

KPTAC Technologies

February 2023 - July 2023

Data Science Intern

  • Scraped major e-grocery websites in UAE with Scrapy, Beautiful Soup, and Selenium, then preprocessed the data.
  • Designed and implemented spiders, data pipelines for automated data extraction, parsing and storing using Scrapy.
  • Performed Data cleaning and preprocessing using EDA, FE, PCA to ensure accuracy and consistency of scraped data.
  • Conducted data analysis and clustering to identify top-selling products & gain customer segmentation insights.
  • Used Folium and GeoPandas to optimize customer order locations, achieving a 30% reduction in delivery times.
  • Tech Stack: Scrapy, Postgres, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, PowerBi, Qlik, Git

Sentient Labs FZ LLC

June 2021 - August 2021

Software Engineering Intern

  • Developed a Robot application using ROS in AWS RoboMaker for obstacle avoidance and path planning.
  • Tested the robot application with Turtlebot in a simulation environment using AWS S3 bucket, Gazebo, Rviz.
  • Deployed the application to an edge device using AWS Greengrass IOT and established a ROS pipeline using AWS.
  • Containerized the robot application with Docker for improved portability and scalability.
  • Tech Stack: ROS, Docker, Linux, AWS Robomaker, AWS IOT GreenGrass, AWS S3, AWS EC2, Arduino

Research Experience

An End-to-End Hybrid Learning model for detection of Covid-19 from Chest X-ray images

May 2022 - January 2023

Under Prof. Dr. Pranav M Pawar

  • Developed a cutting-edge Hybrid Learning Model using a CNN+LSTM approach, achieving 97.56% accuracy in COVID-19 detection from chest X-ray images.
  • The study compares the Hybrid Learning Model's performance against established pre-trained models such as VGG19, Xception, and MobileNet.
  • Incorporated techniques such as CLAHE Image normalization, SMOTE, HOG, CNN, LSTM, Transfer Learning, and Fine-Tuning.
  • Research work was presented and published at International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICAIA) Alliance Technology Conference (ATCON-1), Bangalore, India, 21-22 April 2023.
  • doi: 10.1109/ICAIA57370.2023.10169832
  • Citatition: K. Jaisankar, P. M. Pawar and D. S. Joseph, "An End to End Hybrid Learning Model for Covid-19 Detection from Chest X-ray Images," 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICAIA) Alliance Technology Conference (ATCON-1), Bangalore, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICAIA57370.2023.10169832.
  • Tech Stack: Python, Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Matplotlib, Pandas

Classification of Microstructure Images of Metals Using Transfer Learning

Jun 2022 - December 2022

Under Prof. Dr. Angel Arul Jothi

  • With light optical microscopes, microstructure images of four different metals were acquired for this task, including copper, mild steel, aluminum, and stainless steel.
  • The proposed work employs Fine-tuned transfer learning models namely VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, DenseNet121, DenseNet169 and DenseNet201 to train and classify the images in the acquired dataset into different classes of metals.
  • Research work was presented and published at The International Conference on Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems (MDIS 2022) Sibiu, Romania, 28-30 October 2022.
  • doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27034-5
  • Citatition: Khan, M.A.H., Kanishkha, J., Sabnis, H., Jothi, J.A.A., Prasad, A.M.D. (2023). Classification of Microstructure Images of Metals Using Transfer Learning. In: Simian, D., Stoica, L.F. (eds) Modelling and Development of Intelligent Systems. MDIS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1761. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27034-5_9
  • Tech Stack: Python, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Matplotlib, Pandas

Application of DCNN for Visual Tracking of Mobile Robots using UAV

August 2022 - January 2023

Under Prof. Dr. Kalaiselvi Venkatesan

  • Created custom datasets of Turtlebot2i robot, annotated and augmented the dataset using Roboflow.
  • Developed a Deep CNN model using PyTorch to detect the mobile robot by training the model with custom datasets.
  • Performed comparative study with Faster-RCNN, SSD, YOLOv5 and YOLOv7 for deployment into dji Tello drone.
  • Used PID controller and OpenCV to autonomously track and follow the mobile robot using dji Tello drone.
  • LAB: Mechatronics Lab (MS2)
  • Tech Stack: Python, Anaconda, PyTorch, OpenCV, Roboflow, TelloSDK

Multi-Modal approach for Autonomous Driving

July 2022 - February 2023

Under Prof. Dr. Pranav M Pawar, Dr. Raja Muthalagu

  • Created custom datasets of steering angle, views, and trajectory of the car by driving the car in Udacity self-driving car Simulator.
  • Collected datasets from German Traffic Sign Benchmark, KITTI, and Lyft self-driving car open source datasets.
  • Developed Multiple Deep Learning Models to detect and classify Traffic signals, detect obstacles and detect lanes.
  • Performed comparative study with Mask-RCNN, ResNet50, InceptionV3 and MobileNet in simulated environments.
  • Worked on KITTI 3D data visualization, FCNN, DeepSort, MTAN, SFA 3D, UNetXST, Vision Transformer models.
  • Built an Autonomous driving vehicle using Jetson Nano, Arduino, and Ultrasonic Sensor that can perform Lane Detection, Obstacle Avoidance and response to Traffic Signals using Deep Learning and Image Segmentation.
  • Research work was submitted to Multimedia Tools and Applications, An International Journal, Springer 2023 and is currently under review.
  • LAB: Innovation Lab
  • Tech Stack: Python, Anaconda, PyTorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Udacity self-driving car Simulator

Virtual Internship Experience

British Airways

November 2023 - December 2023

Data Science Virtual Internship Program

  • Conducted web scraping of airline review data from Skytrax, focusing on reviews specifically about the airline itself, utilizing Python in Jupyter Notebook for efficient data collection.
  • Employed data cleaning techniques to address the messy and text-heavy dataset, preparing it for analysis.
  • Applied Python for in-depth analysis, utilizing topic modelling, sentiment analysis, and word clouds to derive valuable insights.
  • Trained a machine learning model, RandomForest algorithm, to predict the target outcome of customer booking.
  • Presented findings through a comprehensive PowerPoint slide, incorporating visualizations, metrics, and clear explanations to communicate key analysis results to the management team effectively.
  • Skills: Web Scraping, Data Manipulation, Data Visualization, Machine learning, PowerPoint


September 2023 - September 2023

Data Analytics Consulting Virtual Internship

  • Led a thorough assessment of data quality and completeness for Sprocket Central Pty Ltd's datasets, ensuring accuracy for subsequent analysis.
  • Developed a strategic customer targeting approach, focusing on high-value segments, through a three-week analysis covering Data Exploration, Model Development, and Interpretation phases.
  • Engineered a Tableau dashboard to visually present key data summaries and strategic insights, aiding in marketing and growth strategy formulation.
  • Skills: Data Quality Assessment, Data Insights, Data Insights and Presentation


September 2023 - September 2023

Artificial Intelligence Virtual Experience Program

  • Executed a comprehensive data science workflow encompassing exploratory data analysis, data modelling, machine learning production, and performance evaluation using Python.
  • Developed and communicated a plan to address the client's problem statement, including a detailed data model diagram and presentation slide for effective leadership communication.
  • Applied industry-standard practices such as CRISP-DM, data cleaning, feature engineering, and data visualization, showcasing proficiency in Python, communication, quality assurance, and model interpretability.
  • Skills: Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Modeling, Model Building and Interpretation, Machine Learning, Production Quality Assurance


August 2023 - September 2023

Data Science Virtual Experience Program

  • Conducted thorough EDA on historical customer and pricing data to understand data types, statistics, and variable distributions.
  • Verified the hypothesis of price sensitivity by defining and calculating relevant metrics correlated with churn.
  • Prepared a concise half-page summary of key EDA findings. Recommended additional data sources from the client and suggested open-source datasets for augmentation.
  • Skills: Business Understanding & Hypothesis Framing, Exploratory Data Analysis, Feature Engineering & Modelling, Findings & Recommendations


  • All
  • Web-App
  • Project


Interactive Q&A system for MySQL databases with Google PaLM


Medical Prescription Generation from Chest X-ray Image Analysis


News Research Tool using Google PaLM


Unveiling Earthquake Insights with Data Science


Multi-model approach for autonomous driving


Utilizing Scraping, LLM, and NLP for In-Depth Financial Insights

NeuroSight: Brain Tumor Segmentation & Prediction

Brain Tumor Segmentation & Prediction using U-Net

End-to-End Student Performance Analytics

Student Performance Analysis

Fetal Health Prognosis: An Ensemble Learning Approach

Fetal Health Classification using CTG data

SkyBot: UAV-Assisted Mobile Robot Visual Tracking

Application of DCNN in Visual Tracking

HybridAI-COVIDX: Covid-19 Detection Model

Hybrid Learning Model for Covid-19 Detection


Languages and Databases

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My Address

APT 8T, 523 Franklin Avenue

Brooklyn, New York, 11238

A3 GR Flats, New no. 40 Thatchi Arunachalam Street

Mylapore, Chennai, TamilNadu, India

Social Profiles






+91 9840728237

+1 (347) 200-9240

+971 561964863